Thursday, March 3, 2011

Obama Says Tea Party is Racist in New Book

First of all Mr Obama the Tea Party agenda is about Small Government, Lower taxes, and Freedom. It is below even you to suggest that race is the driving force behind this movement! Again you jump to conclusions without all the information or you have all the pertinent information and ignore it!
I know you will say it was because America wasn't ready for a Black President and Racism is alive in America! Mr Obama, Racism is alive all around the world-Open your eyes! Your Administration is full of Racists! I suppose the Black Church Leaders that have condemned your decision to stop defending the federal law that bans recognition of gay marriage was racist. Is this because of your Political decision or is this Racism? You are half white you know! You can't have it both ways! Let's get this straight, the Tea Party will help defeat you in 2012, not because you're Black or Kenyan, But because you are a Marxist/Communist/Progressive, not to mention a Fraud, Lier and an Incompetent Fool~!!!

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