Friday, December 31, 2010

Snooki Knocks Palin’s Reality Show

Snooki is jealous that more people watch Palins Show then hers and that people like Sara for the woman she is. The fact is that the only way Snooki can get guys to watch her is by acting and being a cheap gutter slut. I can imagine what Snooki's political platform would be if she were in politics.
A Bj for every vote~!!!

NYC Union Has Blood 0n Its Hands

The Bosses and Union members that took this action should be Prosecuted for Negligent Homicide, without a doubt~!!!

Union Bosses Slowed Blizzard Cleanup on Purpose

I think that any deaths that have been caused by this maneuver by the Unions, should be looked into and if found to be a direct cause and effect of this action should be considered negligent homicide by Unions Officials and should be prosecuted accordingly~!!!

Former Playmates Tell of 'Grubby' World Inside Hugh Hefner's Empire

Hugh Hefner is the reason they have put Viagra in a nose spray bottle! IT is for Dick-Heads~!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Black Panthers Plot With Ahmadinejad to Overthrow America

News Flash Moron there is already a Nation right here in the USA~!!! If you want to build the nation that you envision for the oppressed move to Iran, Cuba, Syria, Venezuela. I am sure when you start your Marxist rhetoric they will have you arrested and executed. See there is an upside to those regimes~!!!

Obama Almost Hit by Golf Ball

Someone needs to check that Golfers AIM~!!!
What a tragedy that would have been~!!!

EPA Issues New Guidelines for Hazardous Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs Cleanup

Yes, How great of our Government to furnish this environmental unfriendly light apparatus. Again our government or any government can not be trusted to do the smart thing. They are Total Morons~!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Senate Democrats Poised for Power Grab

I think this is great. We do a lot better with Grid Lock in Congress! This will be changed in 2012 and these progressives will be out on their keester~!!!

Russia Puts Off Final OK of START Treaty to January

This is unacceptable: The Russians require that the Bill have three full readings before it is voted on!!!
The Russians make more sense then the Obama Administration. The Republicans have been asking for  and it is part of their agreement with America that all bills be posted on the web for 72hrs before voting: This is Shameful~!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

President Meets with Union Bosses to Discuss Government-Union 'Partnership'

I thought the Unions were already in charge of the Government! The Unions have already partnered with the Communist Party "that is a Fact"~!!!

Obama Family Vacation Runs Into Troubled Waters: Again

There ain't nothing better than live bait when you're trolling for Sharks or Crocks~!!!

Big Oregon Tax Hike Results in LESS Revenue

This has been tried by New York, Chicago, Los Angelas, San Francisco, etc. It has never worked. If these dopes haven't figure it by now they never will! Way to go Oregon you are a bastion of Liberal/Progressive idiocy! You get what you deserve~!!!

Lisa Murkowski Goes Rogue

This is no surprise! She is and has always been a RINO, if not down right Progressive! Alaska you get what you voted for, and we don't want to hear you Whine~!!!

Op-Ed: FLOTUS Chows at the Taxpayers' Trough

They Govern just like a typical African Governmental Regime! Spending all they can get away with or stealing and making it all about them! Someone needs to check to see if they have set up a Swiss account, like their Brothers do, so when they are thrown out they will have a stash~!!!

'I Am Persistent'

All of this added a trillion dollars to our debt! That wasn't mentioned in the story!
Yes we know you are still the President, for the sake of the country's state of depression, don't keep reminding us or the suicide rate just may go up~!!!

Muslim Calls Cops After Teacher Talks about Ham

Is it a fact that Granada raises and produces Ham. Those are the facts. So if you don't like the facts then by all means report your teacher! This kid should be suspended for wasting the schools time with this frivolous Sh-t~!!!  STOP THIS MADNESS~!!!

Kremlin hails Senate's approval of nuclear treaty

I have never heard of the Russians Hailing any treaty with the US. Is it because they have us were they want us? Thanks Obama, we are making the USA a second tier Country! Let's not forget those Republicans that helped this Marxist in his time of triumph! They are for whom the Bell tolls~!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Which Republicans Sold Out?

I say these Senators need to feel the raft of the Tea Party and Conservatives in 2012. I don't care what their reasons. We are giving away our advantage to Russia and it had to be pushed through with little debate and the Russians dictated to us our position. This is not acceptable! They will see what it is like to get the SH_T end of the stick~!!!

Thad Cochran, Mississippi
Bob Corker, Tennessee
Mike Crapo, Idaho
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Lamar Alexander, Tennessee
Johnny Isakson, Georgia

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Barbour defends comments on race, but is the damage done to his potential 2012 bid?

Al Sharpton, Jessie(the Adulterer) Jackson and (Dinghy) Harry Reid, to name a few have all said far worse racial comments. It's ok for a Progressive to say these things but let a Rep or Conservative be taken out of context and it Gotcha! Same Ole, Same Ole~!!!

Afghan Sex Practices Worry U.S. Troops

This is one of the dirty little secrets about Islam. They have Pedophiles and Molesters. However they have kept them in the closet for thousands of years in fear of death! Islam Rules~!!! LOL

Florida Sheriff Defends Arrest of 'Pedophile Guide' Author

I can agree with what the has done! However the real issue is freedom of speech. I know to many it sounds bad. If we go down this road the Government will be able to shut down any anything that they deem offensive! You Liberals/Progressives let the cat out of the bag. Along with Gay being celebrated by the Media and taught to our children in schools you have released the other perverts such as Pedophiles and Rapist. Yes being gay is the same as being perverted. It is not natural and a sin.
Get back in the closet where you belong!
On the other hand the Sheriff should just taken this Guy fishing with a rope and a Concrete  block~!!!

Labor Relations Board Rule Would Require Businesses to Alert Workers to Union Rights

I would agree to this if all Unions were made company specific. In other words there could be no National Union. Each Union would stand on its own i.e. Ford Motor Company Union, GM Union and non were affiliated Nationally! However we all know that will not happen as long as we have Progressives in Congress. So the answer is? Get them out of office~!!!

Incoming House Homeland Security Chair Plans Hearings on Muslim Radicalization

An extremest Cult, that has a pedophile as their fearless leader! Hitler would have been better than Mo-Hambone! People need to educate themselves on the true Islam! It is not a cult of peace and love. Rather a cult of hate, intolerance, and domination. As soon as we all know this the better the chances of our children having a good christian life as we have know~!!!

FCC to Vote on Internet Regulation Plan Despite Economic Warnings

Again here we have the Administrations thug like circumvention of due process and the constitution!
We need to have the congress set hearings for all of the Obama's Administrations actions in the last two years and place a freeze on all new initiatives by this White House and their minions~!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Border Guard Shot but Napolitano Focusing on Climate Change?

Mrs Napolitano: You are a worth less Piece of @#@#! First of all you don't need a fricking task force to combat Climate Change! You can't stop it MORON! No matter what it is going to change, it has for thousands of years if not millions. Quit spending our money on cr_p~! Get this task force to figure out, capture and convict these pieces of @#@# that killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry~!!!

Barney Frank: Heirs Didn’t Do Anything to Deserve Inheritance

This is part of the American Dream to work hard and leave your family better off! This is not the Government's F__king Money! Get these Pr__Ks out of Office! They make me SICK~!!!

Sharpton Working With FCC to Drag Rush In for Hearings

Hey Sharpton- You better be careful of  what you wish for! Rush will eat your lunch and will have the evidence to back it up~!!!
Listen what this fool is saying. If speech is to be controlled over who gets offended, then shut down the Airways. Al Sharpton has offended me several times as well as millions of others who know that his rhetoric is nothing more than race baiting. He is a buffoon and I guess he is part of the FCC~!!!

Trusted Traveler Program Sparks Fears That Mexican Drug Cartels Could Bypass U.S. Airport Security Read more:

Can we please get these Cretins out of the White House before they give this country away~!!!

Jib Jab's Funny Year in Review

I think that the LSM finally gets it~! Or they are just PO'ed because O is compromising with true Americans~!!!

AP: Inmate Threatens to Kill, Eat Obama

Yes! But the real story is the Letter Obama wrote back to the Penn Inmate. "Kill me and eat me, You have to eat me first"

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bank of America Stops Handling WikiLeaks Payments

All I have to say is: I would urge all to stop doing business with Bank of America!
If Wikileaks had released all they have on these corrupt Institutions instead of our Military, putting our sons and daughters in danger, they would have been seen as a Hero! Too late; the Damage is done~!!!

DREAM Act Dies in Senate

There seem to be people that think these illegal aliens have constitutional rights. For you Progressives, may I suggest three Immigration Bills:
1) We emulate and Mirror Mexico's and South Americas immigration laws for those from the South that wish to come to the land of the Free!
2)We emulate and Mirror Canada's immigration laws for those from the North that wish to come to the land of the Free!
3) Keep the laws and criteria as it is for Europe and Asia.
That is the Fairest and rational way to handle the immigration situation~!!!

DREAM Act Dies in Senate: Replying to truth_sayer:

Replying to truth_sayer:

You see we have a legal way and they have an illegal way! You are talking Anarchy and you are supporting illegal activity. There is a difference in the way we see it and the way you (Progressives) see it. Just quit drinking the Kool Aide, take two aspirin and call us in the Morning~!!!

DREAM Act Dies in Senate

I had a Dream: When everyman who entered the US would have to be vetted for any previous Criminal activity, that he would have to follow all the criteria that my forefathers had to, that he would have to speak English, that he would be judged by the content of his character, his hard work and his actions, that he would rather work than be given Welfare and Social Security, that he would have allegiance to one flag and that he would assimilate into the culture that we true Americans have become, that he would know the meaning of the word Illegal and he would come to appreciate this country and defend this country from all enemies foreign and domestic! I had a dream~!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Story "Red Cross Bans Christmas"

The Story "Red Cross Bans Christmas"
Has been pulled from Fox Nation/News. I will update you when I find out the reason~!!!

Sharpton Says FCC May Force Public Hearings on Rush‘s ’Racist’ Remarks

Let's bring Rush before a Congressional Committee, also let's have Al there so he can explain how racist Rush is! Rush will have Al and any Progressive/Communist congressman for lunch! The truth always wins. I bet they are to scared and won't do it~!!!

The Red Cross Bans Christmas

F--K these pieces of S--T! I will not give another dime to this pagan organization! So what if the Muslims are offended! I am a Christian and I am offended! Scr-w Mo-Ham-Bone and all his disciples~!!!
God save this country~!!!

Royal Snub: Obamas Not Invited to Prince William and Kate's Wedding

This is another reason why I like the British! This will repay him for the Bust of Churchill he sent back~!!!

DeMint Will Force Reading of 1924 Page Omnibus Bill

This is a good start for the Republicans and Jim DeMint! We just have to keep the pressure up 'Never give up-Never Retreat"~!!!

Reid Pulls Trillion Dollar Spending Bill...Dems in Chaos Read more:

I would like to know what Republicans actually thought about supporting this Bill or was that just a ploy by these Progressives/Communists~???

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Obama Leaves Briefing Room Again, Different Clinton This Time

He is just too good to share the Podium with anybody! What a dweeb~!!!

Iowa Woman Never Experiences Fear

Let her read the new Omnibus Spending Bill. That will scare the He!! out of anybody~!!!

Tax Cut Debate Stalls as Package Hits House Hurdle Read more:

Good! I hope it goes down in flames. Just like the Progressives need to go down. Except Barney Franks, he already goes down~!!!

Limbaugh: ‘Maybe the Real Terrorists We Face Are on Capitol Hill’

These Progressives in Washington are definitely Social and Economic Terrorists. All they care about is Power and destroying the hand that feeds them. Almost like a wild animal~!!!

Dick Morris: Obama's Either Stupid or a Socialist

Dick: How about a Stupid/Socialist or is that redundant~??? I believe they are synonymous~!!!

Report: FDA Moving Ahead With Rationing

These progressives will tell you anything you need to hear, but the truth. Because the truth is welcome to "DEATH PANELS". But there is no such thing-Right~!!!

Bachmann: Senate Tax Bill Unconstitutional

You have got to give credit to this lady, she knows her stuff. We need to have hearings on all the procedures over the past two years by the 111th congress. We may find that the Constitution has not only been violated and circumvented, that it has been prostituted~!!!

Streisand Sours on Obama, Says She Left the Country

Well if Barbara has left the country, then I have to say that something good came from the election of Obama! Please don't come back and take Michael Moore and Sean Penn with you~!!!

DeMint Backs Down

I am disappointed in DeMint. The best thing that could happen is for us to stop the last minute grab for all the goodies you can carry home by these Progressive/Socialist and Rinos as well. Maybe we could get all of these Entitled/Elite Republicans that have worn out their welcome a set of Ba!!s for Christmas or a kick in the pants on the way out of the door in 2012~!!!

NBC News Anchor Calls DeMint 'Un-Christlike'

First of all Chris Mathews is a Progressive Socialist and has no credibility and Joe Scarborough is a RINO and now has no credibility~!!! Who cares what these to A holes say or think for that matter~!!!

Happy Birthday, Tea Party!

Happy Birthday, Tea Partyers! The fight continues~!!!

WND: Obama Quietly Erasing Borders

This another initiative that needs to stop! Watch what the other hand is doing! If this began under Bush as stated then history needs to show that Bush was and is nothing but a RINO. As for Obama we need to stop his power grab and the fact that he is subverting the constitution. This is a direct violation of his oath of office.It seems that the work for "WE THE PEOPLE" has just begun~!!!

See Who the Six Senate RINOS Are…

These Guys have got to go! Mr. Brown has proven he is a sheep in Wolf's clothing. Yes that's right he is being lead around like a sheep. If we want change we need to start acting like Wolves in a pack!
Take all these Bah Ba's Down~!!!

CNN Analyst: “The American People Are The Problem”

Mohammad or what ever your name is! The Majority of the American People are God fearing, Family loving and the problem lies with the 20% that call them selves Liberal/Progressives. The vast majority of Real Americans have been too busy working and raising their families and have let the left creep in control of the apparatus that makes the laws. This is due to willing cooperation of the Progressive media like you!
Yes, people in this country are the Problem, people like you~!!!

Gay History Lessons Mandatory In CA Schools?

This State Senator is forming a new G&L organization: RUMP RANGERS INTERNATIONAL~!!!
I am glad my kids don't go to school in CA.

Congressman Proposes $48 BILLION Earmark

This has got to be a joke! This guy can't be serious, do we look that stupid~???
I have to agree with Fred Thompson on this one the Democratic Congress is "Like a bunch of drunks going bar-hopping on the way to an AA meeting"~!!!

Obama Pleads: Pass Tax Deal or My Presidency Is Over Read more:

Ok! So your Presidency is over. Then Leave and take Joe Biden with you~!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chart of the Day

Some one should show this to the Democrats that are trying to Ram another spending bill through the house!
The Progressives are He!! bent on destroying this country and don't give a Damn about our children!
Fuck these Bastards~!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dems Try to Ram Through Pork-Filled $1.1 Trillion Lame-Duck Spending Bill

We need to shut down the Government now! We can wait until January1 to get this done, just write a post dated check, He!! I've done it~!!!

Franken Zings Pres. Obama

Franken calling Obama a woose is like Al Capone calling you a Gangster~!!!


I say that is still too high. They are padding the numbers~!!!

Birther’ Soldier Goes to Court

It surely seems to take a long time for these cases concerning Obama to make it to court.
Almost like they are trying to select the right Judge. Maybe we should insist on US District Judge Henry Hudson, I bet he would get it right~!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

First Lady: Childhood Obesity a 'National Security Threat'

First Lady: "Childhood Obesity a 'National Security Threat"

SO IS HER A $ $~!!!

Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Mandate Unconstitutional

Response to: marineready
Please crawl back in your hole. It is abundantly clear, you don't have a clue what you are talking about, BTW pull your head out of your A$$ so you can crawl~!!!

Constitutional Crisis in the Garden State

This is tantamount to an impeachable event not only for the Chief Justice but for the President of the State Senate. I say Christie should start impeachment proceeding for both of these bastards and any others who wish to circumvent their constitution~!!!

Killing the Tax Compromise

I agree let this expire! We will get a better deal in January. To He!! with these progressives. This compromise didn't work in 94 and it will not work now! Let's not go down that road again! We are not their friend or their pal. Get them by the Throat and don't let them up. That is the only way we are going to get our Country back~!!!

Breyer: Founding Fathers Would Have Allowed Restrictions on Guns

This Judge needs to go. It is obvious that he hasn't read the Constitution or he has an agenda. He talked about this is his opinion. Well his opinion is wrong. Look at England, when get rid of guns only the Criminals and Government will have guns. Those two in my opinion are synonymous~!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

No Passage of the TAX Deal forged by the Reublicans!

It is my feeling and prediction that the new deal recently forged by the President and the Republicans will not pass before the end of the year~!!!

Senate Tax Cut Package Filled With Sweeteners, Obama Predicts Passage

Well I say screw these bums and shut it down, block it, gum up the whole works, go home have a nice Christmas with your families and stick to the Democrats in January and through out 11 & 12.
They want to be thought of as relevant, they aren't. They treated the American People like dog poop and I say let them have a taste of their own medicine~!!!

Obama Weighing Broad Overhaul for Income Tax

I think a Republican that has a set should sponsor a Fair or Flat tax bill before this dweeb has an opportunity to get his idea off the ground. It is time for this; Brazil has a flat tax and it working fine~!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Student Athlete Charged With Sex Assault for 'Butt Drag' Wrestling Move

This serious for an athlete to be charge and convicted. It will lead to Pro-Football players being charged with assault, hate crimes if a white player does an illegal block on a black player.
I have an idea!
Maybe the Republicans should try this move on Obama, nah! he would like it too much~!!!

WikiLeaks: Saudi Princes Engage in Sex, Drug Parties

Anyone who ever traveled the world has known this dirty little secret. The Saudi Royal Family has indulged in Drugs, Pedophilia, Homosexuality, and all sort of different depraved acts. However if any citizen of the kingdom does the same thing they are sentenced to death. The whole premise around Sharia Law and Islam is Hypocrisy. Mohammad did the same things; because "Ali told him he could" Look it up. As I have stated before this is a cult  founded in one man's desire for power and control. It eventually transformed into a so called religion. As the Bible states Islam shall always be the wild-men. So I am not surprised~!!!

AFL-CIO Leader Accepts Communist Party Award: ‘I Stand With Them’

It's official; the Unions in this country and probably around the world are an arm of the Communist Party. They are not even trying to hide anymore. Well America it is our choice do we let these thugs take our country down this road ( which history has proved does not work) or do we fight back? We need to get these guy out of power. The Progressives,democrats, Union Bosses.
The battle for our freedom is no over and may never be! However; we will keep fighting~!!!

Obama Scrambles to Win Dem Support on Tax Cut Bill as Conservatives Waver

Larry Summers was the one that has pushed all this financial garbage over the last two years. If he likes this there must be something wrong with it! Have be bought a Trojan Horse~???

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Republicans Slam DREAM Act for Including Immigrants With Criminal Records

No Amnesty-No Dream Act-We can't afford to pick the tab up on anythying else~!!!

Team Obama Calls Islamic Terrorists 'Armed Resistance' Group

OK! let me get this straight! Hezbollah an"armed resistance" group, So that makes the Republicans an "unarmed resistance" group. Please stop this insanity~!!!

Op-ed: Does President Obama Understand Economics?

The best way for anyone to understand Economics is to roll up your sleeves and go to work running a business. This stuff is not taught in books and the guy that is supposedly running the show does not have a clue. I believe some of his advisers may but they are controlled by the puppet master and the PM has bet on the downfall of this countries economic system. The same way he bet on England's. That is their agenda~!!!

Obama Using Pentagon to Pass Amnesty

Great we will have the best Mexican Army in history!  Remember the Alamo~!!!

NYT: 'Parker Spitzer' Ratings Create Tension at CNN Read more:

CNN has gotten rid of Commentators like Lou Dobs and replaced him with people like this! I wrote to Kathleen Parker and told her that this Spitzer character was a sleaze and shouldn't be allow on the air (expect maybe an interview from his jail cell) and that she would do a lot better on Fox. Parker is center right and is fair minded, whereas Spitzer is a left wing ideologue and a nincompoop. Well! far be it for me to advise CNN on their superior grasp of the news industry! Ms. Parker if Spitzer gets his own show on CNN I can guarantee you he won't last long. You can Quote me on that~!!!

NBC News Anchors Start Turning on Obama

The Communist Party in full propaganda mode. They are eating their own. Tis a wonderful site to see!
Is this an early Christmas Present~???

Get That Man a Teleprompter!

Calling the Majority of Americans Hostage Takers, which is tantamount to calling the Republicans terrorists is another indication of this Presidents disdain for this country and the way of life we live. He takes one step forward and two back. This man/boy in not a leader and I am ashamed that he is our President~!!!

Michele Bachman: Obama Flat Out LIED Today

Michele didn't you know Obama doesn't lie. He speaks in parables (he is the anointed one ) you know!
He knows that the American Public is too stupid to pay attention to what he said today versus what he said yesterday. He has been doing this for two years now. I am kinda surprised when he says something that makes sense and is not a lie~!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Maxine Waters to request investigation of Ethics Committee

Great rant. I wouldn't expect anything less from a Progressives Commie. However I was poor when I was young and was raised a Democrat. However I pulled myself up by the boot straps and became a Republican. Now you take that rant of yours and you replace the word Republican with Progressive, Democrat, Liberal, Communist, Marxist or what ever name you guys are using today and you have what the Majority of the people in this country think of you and your ilk~!!!

Beck’s Political Necrophilia: ACORN CEO Says ‘Glenn Beck is My Boyfriend’…Had ‘Congress With the Corpse’

Does anyone really believe this garbage!
If the information that came out on Acorn wasn't the truth then it would not of hurt them, they would not have had to disband. They are like a cockroach nest when you discover where they live then they scatter into all corner and regroup.
 The fake Tea Party what is that!
This women needs to institutionalized for her safety and everyone else s~!!!

Angry Liberal Activists Shut Down WH Switchboard

Do you really think that the Communist Party of America wants a compromise, wants to deal fairly, do whats right for this country. No they want it their way, period. They want a Socialist/Communist Country. So I say to He!! with them and do not compromise and lets have it the majorities way (Our Way)~!!!

Durbin: Dems Could 'Walk Out' on Tax Cut Deal

Go ahead cry baby Durbin! We don't like this compromise anyway. All we have to do is wait until January 1, and your sorry A $$ will be in the minority and we will make them permanent~!!!

Sharpton Presses FCC to Deny Rush Limbaugh Broadcast License

Mr Sharpton.
I have listened to your show and found some of your anti-white rhetoric offensive. Are you for protecting civil rights or are you for just protecting civil rights for people of color. I am off-white and Sir that is a color~!!!

Turner Urges Global One-Child Policy to Save Planet

This guy comes out on population control after he has had his family and is too old to have any more.
I have an idea Ted old pal I will give you two choices you can propose legislation that will mandate and require all Progressives/Communists to have abortions which will solve a hell of a lot more problems then just over population or all you Progressive/Communists, Liberal/Democrats can go screw yourself and you have to worry about procreation~!!!

Krauthammer on Obama's Televised Tax Announcement

Look these narcissists in the Democratic-Communist Party didn't react this badly when they lost the House. They actually thought the Republicans were going to roll over. Which they might have if not for the Tea Party and other groups holding their feet to the fire. I will say it again-This Progressive/Communist mind set is nothing more than a "Psychological-Mental Disorder that has no cure”. Except maybe a bullet~!!!

Weiner Calls Out Obama for 'punting on 3rd Down'

Yes Mr President, let's have our Communist agenda put in the Forefront and rammed down the American Peoples throat. It time they will grow to like it, when they have to depend on us (The Federal Government) for all their needs and dreams. When we control them and their children you will see; they will have no choice but to comply and it all will be because of you my comrade!.
Mr. Weiner you make me want to Puke~!!!
BTW Mr. Weiner what happened to those Gold hearings. It's a tough sale when Gold is over 1400 USD!
You really are a Weiner aren't you~!!!

Done Deal?

This is like kissing your sister. OK you got kissed, But it's your sister for God's sake. I don't want to play this game with the Democratic-Communist Party of the United States. I want to stymie this crowds whole agenda and run them out of office, period~!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pres. Obama Calls for New 'Sputnik Moment'

Yes this POS POYUS wants something else to spend our money on. Like he cares about the children. This will further enhance the Teachers Unions and cost us billions. Fix what we've got!
If we don't get these thug Unions out of Education and the Federal Government we will be throwing good money after bad. We do not need any more bills that require spending. We spend more per pupal than any other Country in the World and we are ranked 24th. Send them all to private school. We need to resend all the bills from the last two years. STOP SPENDING OUR MONEY~!!!

Rangel in Deeper With New Ethics Charge

You have got this all wrong. Charlie and Maxine are being discriminated against! Right! But they will shout it from the roof tops. Look Charlie got a Standing ovation in the House and a Parade in Harlem. This is the problem and disparity between Conservatives and Minorities. To them we are the enemy. They don't realize that we are all Americans. The Progressives have done their work well and painted the majority in this country as the ones who want to keep minorities from achieving the American Dream. When in fact it is they that keep all the uneducated poor on the plantation. I hope they wake up soon before it's too late~!!!

Hot Air Pundit: Time Magazine Editor on Publishing WikiLeaks: 'Our Job Is Not to Protect the U.S.'

This sums up who these minions are in the News Media. They will sell us all out just to be the first to publish a story that will damage our way of life. They are the propaganda arm of the American Communist Party~!!!

School-Assigned Book: Jesus a 'Wine-Guzzling Vagrant and Precocious Socialist' Read more:

I believe that Jesus was a pure socialist and he spoke of these socialistic things; however he did not believe they were possible within this plane of existence. We have free will and with socialism there is no free will and as we all know socialism only leads to Marxism, Communism and eventually Dictatorship. Which is exactly the arrangement God has for us if we are fortunate enough to make it there. The difference however is to be ruled a benevolent, loving and caring entity as opposed to a Mao, Lennon, Hitler, Chavez, or Obama. I think you know the difference~!!!

Kyl Repeatedly Corrects Schieffer: No Tax 'Cuts' for Rich

The Progressives in the LSM (Lame Stream Media) have their mantras to repeat and it is tough for them to go off script. However you have to as Sen Kyle did, hit them over the head with it several times in a row and eventually they will come around~!!!

Al Gore's Climate Group Shrinking

His Climate Group may be shrinking but his A$$ isn't. He must weigh 300lbs. He needs to get with Michele O. and get some government intrusion in his diet~!!!

O'Reilly Op-Ed: Jimmy Carter Gone Wild

Carter needs to get a cameo appearance on the Walking Dead. He looks the part more so then the real actors~!!!

Rather: 'This Is a Political Nightmare for Barack Obama'

Bush, just keeps on giving; maybe Obama will lose to Dennis Kucinich, Howard Dean or Rockefeller. How sad for him. I believe that Al Greene from SC could beat any of them~!!!

‘Tear Down the Empire’: Socialists Respond to Wikileaks by Calling for U.S. Demise

Everyone needs to read this article. I realized that all the points of contention that the Communist Party USA make and the tasks that it points out for the destruction of "The Empire" are the same points that Obama ran on in 2008 and the Democratic Party has held so dear for the past 8 to 10 years. Well since The Communist Party USA and the Democrats are so steady aligned it is not hard to conclude that they are the same! 50 years ago they would have been investigated and arrested. How far we have fallen or given to this subversive Monster! God save America~!!!

Free Internet a Civil Right For Every ‘Nappy Headed Child’ — FCC Commissioner Clyburn

Fact: This crap will not stop until we get this administration out of office! I don't care if Obama cooperates with Republicans on every bill! His appointees and Czars are doing more damage then we can Imagine! It must stop. Don't give this man another 4 years the country can't afford it~!!!

Head of NY Taxi Fed: It’s Okay to Racially Profile Passengers for Safety

It has always been this way. The reason a Policeman pulls over a Black man or Hispanic man is because they were the one that Robed the store down the Street. Why would you pull over a White lady when you are looking for an Hispanic or Black person. I must say that 99% of the guys that are terrorists are young middle eastern males! So you Grope everyone as not to offend the Terrorist. These Terrorists rely on this kind of Stupid PC Crap. It makes us look weak! Profile,Profile,Profile~!!!

Gingrich: Leaks Show Obama Administration 'Shallow,' 'Amateurish'

I watched Newt on the Sunday. He could possibly be the smartest man in the room! He needs to be in there somewhere; Secretary of State of Defense or maybe an anti-Obama Czar~!!!

Keynesianism, RIP

The Insanity of it all. You keep trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result~!!!
Wasn't Obama supposed to be the smartest man in the world? I haven't heard, but has the Ocean stopped raising and has the Earth actually cooled a bit? Maybe he should concentrate on creating jobs and admit that this Keynesian Economics does not and has not ever worked! Just an experiment that has been tried again with the same result. What a pathetic experiment at the cost of so many American Families.
Mr Obama you are a disgrace~!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dem: We Could Have Let Economy Fall and Been in Majority for 40 Years

These guys tell half truths and accuse Republicans of doing the same act that they are in the middle of doing. It is bate and switch. What about the Congress being controlled by the Democrats through this, how about Acorn, how about reality! We need to get all of the Progressives out of Congress and the WH; move them in with Alice at the Wonderland Ranch!
How much more can the American People be expected to take. I think if they had not passed the 800B stimulus we would be any worse off; we probably would be better off! It is the idea that they are so vindictive and power hungry not even to consider the American People!
This Jackwagon from Washington State really thought about letting GW stew in his own juices and bankrupting this country. How can this man claim to be a true American. "You shouldn't convict me of robbing you-because I could have shot you and I didn't". You're still a criminal and a Robber~!!!
What a sad day for America~!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

'Pelosi-Nomics' Requires Willing Suspension of Reason

Let me just say that this fight over the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts by the Democrats should bring everyone, that is everyone with a brain, to the conclusion that Obama and the democrats/progressives included these dollars into the projection by the CBO as monies to fund Obamacare and without this money this fiasco of a health care plan is totally upside down. This is why they are fighting so hard and proves their motives. They do not care about the middle class and if the Republicans hadn't insisted on the debate they would have let all of them expire. The Democrats know without the dollars that these tax increases will bring in Obamacare will bankrupt this country. They assumed we would just let this happen, because we weren't paying attention.
We are wide awake and focused~!!!

Response to a comment in this article: Senate Vote on Middle Class Tax Cuts Fails as Expected

This is  Response to: bobbyhawk I believe if you put this in terms most people can relate to it would help. Your are right that both parties are infiltrated with these rats, however today they call themselves Progressives and both parties are represented by a certain number of them. The Democratic Party however has the majority and quite frankly they have taken over the party. As history has shown this manifesto and/or doctrine is often misread and it principles are the paradigm of Alice in Wonderland. It is a Utopian way of thinking and it will only work if you take the human equation out of the formula. You see these ideas are actually meant to exist only in another state of conscience, it is called heaven and the same factors of Human behavior that causes Capitalism to crash every once in a while is the same factor that will not allow true or pure Socialism or Communism to exist on this plain of existence for a long period of time is Greed! Greed for Money(Capitalism) and Greed for Power(Socialism/Communism). If you can some how extricate this natural Human factor from the equation then it will work. However by the time that happens we will all be dead and in Heaven and if the next generations after us do not study history they will be forced to rediscover this same fact and will have to suffer these same consequences that has befallen us.

Financial exec to plead guilty in Clinton fundraising scheme

The story I posted earlier is the result of this story which came out yesterday. We feel that a deal was made between the Obama WH, Eric Holder and Hillary. If she got out of Politics and would not run against Obama in 2012 and could arrange a fall guy  (Mr. Snapper) they would not pursue any involvement on her part~!!!      

Hillary Clinton Announces She’s Done with Politics

I heard that Nancy Pelosi was going to retire after the last election too! I wouldn't believe anything this woman said and only when they throw the dirt on top of her casket will she be out of the Running~!!!

Ends Justifies the Means: Ron Reagan Jr. — Bring a Gun to Fight for Social Justice

The best part of this guy ran down his mothers leg (Poor Nancy)! Not only is he a typical spoiled son of a great man, he is an idiot to suggest that the Republican Party is the party of big business! If you think differently you need to research which party got the most donations from Big Business. He is either uninformed, in denial or stupid~!!!
Further more it is striking to me that all these Progressives can spew this violent rhetoric with little or no retribution from the LSM~!!!
Well I can tell you we have more guns then those bed wetting, whining, cry baby-Jackwagons~!!!

Pitchforks? Dem Senator Uses Violent Metaphor in Tax Hike Fight

This lady is so full of SH_T! This is amazing stuff. The Democrats do not care about the middle class they just care about power and smoke screens! They are inciting violence! Is this hate speech~???

Friday, December 3, 2010

Menendez: Dealing With GOP Like Negotiating With 'Terrorists'

You Sir are a total Moron~! I use the word Sir loosely. You are such a demagogue and a lier, you know for a fact that this tax situation will not take any money out of anyone's pocket except the Federal Governments.50% of the people in this country do not pay taxes and in fact get a refund with a total of zero taxes paid if not a refund of money they did not earn..
This is the reason the "American People" rejected your Progressive/Socialist agenda. You guys still don't get it. Your ideas and agenda are out and if you persist with this class warfare babble then it will only be to you parties detriment~!!!

Op-Ed: No Compromise

Some of you are worried that if we don't compromise that taxes will go up! False; we don't compromise period. Come January the House will pass this without compromise and the Democrats can stick it where the sun don't shine! Then we start dismantling all the garbage and progressives crap that has been shoved down our throat over the past two years! End of story~!!!

Obama Speechwriter Jokes About TSA Groping: Allows 'Defrocked Priests to Give Back to Community'

This is a good example of the individuals in this administration. They can be so caviler about an issue that most Americans find infuriating~!!!

Dick Cheney to be charged in $180-million Halliburton bribery case

I am familiar with Nigeria and this is like Chavez filing charges against Obama for being too Socialist!
These guys in West Africa are responsible for millions and millions dollars of fraud each year since I can remember. This Banking and Internet fraud could not exist unless the Government was paid off!
The Nigerians are just pissed because they didn't get their cut. What a Joke Ha Ha ~!!!

'60 Minutes' Correspondent Laments GOP Opposition to Lame-Duck Legislation

She just doesn't get it, as do the rest of her Progressive Wing nuts. The American People do not want this agenda from the progressive left and the remnants of the 111th congress just keep ramming this crap down the "Peoples" throat. The Republicans are there to do the peoples business not the Socialist agenda fashioned by this group of radicals. We want the White house and the remaining members of the 111th congress to cooperate with the American People or they can by the way of the next election cycle.

They just don't get it~!!!

Romney Gives Presidential Clue: If You See Me on Fox, I’m Running

I like Mitt, he is a good looking, polished, politician. That and the fact he is a Rino is why I will not be voting for him. The Health care he championed in Mass. is a bloody mess and we were fooled before by another polished politician in 2008. I am sorry Mitt but you ship has sailed. We need some one that is not so polished and has common sense and knows what it takes to get it right! Someone that has God in their heart and has a conscience and is not a narcissist~!!!

Death Panel? Daschle Encourages ‘Other Options’ for Elderly Patients Needing Surgery

These Progressives in the Obama Administration and their propaganda arm of the Lame Stream Media continue to say that Death Panels do not and will not exist, yet they keep saying the same thing, just not calling it that specific name. I guess the majority of Americans are too stupid to figure it out or they hope we to dumb to figure it out~!!! How did we let these people get in these position's of power~???

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shocking: The Fed’s Trillion-Dollar Foreign Bank Bailout

This has always be the dirty little secret. The Democrats have been in bed with Big Business and have done a great job of hiding it by accusing the Republicans of the very thing that they have been doing. To be honest the Republicans have not called them on it because they are there as well just not getting as much money because they don't know how to dupe the system and pay these cats off. The Democrats are just better and bigger crooks~!!!

Jack Webb Schools Barack Obama

Please go here and see this. It will knock your socks off~!!!

Job-Seeking Beck Caller Encounters Flood of Support

This is the stuff that has made America great. Gary is the catalyst but the ninety individuals that emailed to help is the real story. How can we let the 5% of  Americans that claim to be Marxist/Communists(if that many) destroy this great country. I say we don't and I say we won't. God Bless this great country and all its God fearing citizens~!!!

FCC Commissioner Bashes American Media, Laments Lack of Gov’t Oversight

Look the future of this country is in the past! Why on earth would you want to change the greatest country that has ever been in History and change the greatest document ever written (besides the Bible) The Constitution of the United States. We don't need to progress to Communism. We don't need to move anywhere! As far as news coverage, there has never been more news sources in the History of this country or the world for that matter. These entities spewing this rhetoric call for control of the Airways so people can think like they want us to; is nothing more than another loss of another one of our freedoms. Get rid of the FCC~!!!

State-‘Controlled’ Russian Company Set to Take Over Wyoming Uranium Mines

WTF is going on with this administrations agenda to give away all our Natural Resources to foreign entities. The Next thing you know they will be shutting down all Offshore Oil Drilling and letting Mexico step in and take the Oil-Oh wait Obama has already done that; perhaps turn over our National Parks to the UN-Oh wait Bill Clinton already did that. What about the Saudi's taking over our oil fields in the US and giving them the rights to sell it world wide. Well that hasn't happened yet, but I guess it something to shoot for: Right Mr. President~!!!

Senate in Legislative Ditch -- Frustrations Boil Over

It is amazing that the Dems Call the Filibuster diabolical. The Filibuster has been used for years and is part of the procedural tactics of the Congress.
Deeming the Health Care Bill passed (which the Democrats did))and approving it in the Senate before it is passed in the House is not standard  procedure in the Congress, it had never been done and that is Diabolical and probably Illegal. When the Republicans do the same thing to get legislation passed for the American People, then watch them Whine and Scream. Welcome to the mess that you have made (Demo-gressives)~!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gov’t Report: ACORN Improperly Awarded $450,000 FEMA Grant

Just another example of how efficient our Government is! These are the one’s you want in charge of your Health Care? Yeah Right! How about another example of how corrupt and Dis-Honest Acorn is!
I wonder how many tax dollars Acorn has conned out of our Bureaucrats over the past twenty years~???

Did Comedy Group Yank ‘Obama = Keynesian’ Video After Beck Radio/TV Exposure?

This is too funny! These are the people at the Restore Sanity Rally in DC. They get so High and Mighty when they haven't a clue what they are talking about! The sign said Obama=Keynesian? as in Keynesian Economics.

What a bunch of Dopes~!!!

GOP Trading START and Unemployment Extension for Temporary Extension of All Tax Cuts? Read more:

These tax cuts need to be permanent! Don't bargain with this POS! If they pass this "start treaty before they have time to review and debate it they all need to go~!!!

Murray to lead Senate Dems' election efforts

I think this is one of the best things that has happened to the Republican Party. She will do a wonderful for the Republicans. The gifts just keep coming Surely we are blessed~!!!