Sunday, August 31, 2014

Michael Sam released by St. Louis Rams

O'Sodomy Sam is back in the News after being cut from the Rams. It would seem that O'Sodomy would fit right in with the "RAMS" unless he likes it soft and sweet~?
However Sams has said he has had trouble concentrating on football because he doesen't want to leave his boy friends behind~!!!
Well we will never know how good of a player this guy is, but one thing is for sure he will not be playing for Gods Team~!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


 May 29th is the BUY A GUN FOR FREEDOM DAY~!!!
Give me liberty or give me Death~!
Spoken by Patrick Henry and echoed across the land as a cry for freedom. Reminiscent of the Tea Party and Revolutionary Era.
Patrick Henry"Radical," is a title that few men can wear with ease. The name Patrick Henry, during the revolution and for some time after, was synonymous with that word in the minds of colonists and Empire alike. Henry's reputation as a passionate and fiery orator exceeded even that of Samuel Adams. His Stamp Act Resolutions were, arguably, the first shot fired in the Revolutionary War.
Patrick Henry: Born May 29th, 1736

If they are going to call us radicals then let us be one~!
Buy a gun for Freedom on May 29th.


Monday, March 24, 2014


This is an example of the Spin the Democratic/Progressives will initiate when confronted by the real truth and they have an answer to make the truth seem like a lie~!!! By The Way it would be so funny if it wasn't SO SAD~!!!

Subject:  Harry Reid's Ancestors

No matter what side of the AISLE you're on, THIS is FUNNY.
Judy Walkman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Senator Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.
The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory: 
On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.' 
So Judy recently e-mailed Senator Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle. 
 Harry Reid:

Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research: 
"Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889,Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."
Now Folks That is How they do it~!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Progressives War on Children~!

Washington Post Doesn't have the guts to tell it like it is with De Blazaros War on Kids. 

However this is not just De Blazaros War on Children it is the progressives War on Children (Born or Unborn) Teen or Adolescent, Minorities that do not have the same Ideology and those that are the down trodden and ignorant. Americans need to see and learn only one lesson from these revealing facts DO NOT TRUST anything that comes out of their Mouths. They all are practicing Narcissists and little Hitlers just as their fearful leader ~ Barack Insane Oblunder~!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Malaysia Airlines loses contact with plane en route to Beijing with 239 aboard


The Plane in located:

North 07.48.42

East 103.09.36

In 216 Feet of Water

It will be worth a look~!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Progressives/Communists have changed America by creating a new form of American Government and by GOD we want it back~!!!

This President is part of the first "INEPTOCRACY GOVERNMENT" The type of System of Government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of Society are least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers~"""~!!!


Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Real Power Play behind THE REPUBLICANS silence on The Power Grab by the Progressives~!!!

Pending on Fox Nation
Something has dawned on me~! Doesn't it seem odd that the  Republicans are not shouting from the roof tops about this power grab. There is a possibility of a far more calculated scenario by the Republicans and this would explain their disdain for the Tea Party. The Republican establishment has bet all the Marbles on 2016. They let this power grab run it's course with little interference putting this squarely in the lap of the progressives~! In other words they own it and the Progressive movement is over. The Republicans take the Senate and then the W.H. When in  control there is nothing that the Progressives can do or say when they The Republicans pull this country back to the right so fast it gives Nasty Piglosi and Dirty Harry Reed Whip Lash. The only observation I can make is if this Republican Establishment has too many Rinos in it and does not go far enough to the right the Majority will revolt then causing civil unrest~! Just food for thought~!!!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

The United States of Texas~!

This Map indicates a movement to cut out 90% of the progressive infection in this country and create some new boundary's for a Country that reflects the Founders Fathers intentions, views, and standards. Those who are trapped in the Liberal/Progressive sinkholes can easily apply for citizenship based on political oppression by the Left and can move to a city or state within the new Country.
The United States of Texas~!

We have excluded Washington State, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Eastern Portions of Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania and all of the Northeast, Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Putin ‘Challenging’ Jihadists to ‘Come After Him’ in Sochi?

You have to admit that this Guy has a set of Balls~If he wasn't a Communist he could be John Wayne or Sean Connery as 007~! I don't agree with his Ideology But I do not agree with Obama's Either~!!!

Obama Misled, Still Not Fixed

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    Obama Misled, Still Not Fixed

 Now just imagine if during this process with the Social Security servers they crashed and all EBT cards SS Checks and Entitlement Checks Stopped and they couldn't fix it for lets say 6 weeks. There would be people rioting and children would be starving and there would be insurrection~! What a great time to declare Marshall Law~! Then Mr Obama dissolves the Congress and the Constitution and declares himself as the supreme leader~! This is all part of Obama's plan~! Get ready Lock and Load~!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Obama's True Agenda~!!!


Obama's True Agenda~!!!

When I asked a friend of mine a very high ranking military retired person why he thinks Obama is doing this, the reply I received from this life-long friend is noted below for everyone's information Paraphrasing him, this is what he told me in a nutshell. He said, most branches of the service routinely engage in war “games” and come up with strategies and tactics on how to handle every type of military conflict and scenario that can be imagined . One of the big new battle scenarios being actively discussed in the military recently is how to handle civil unrest in the U.S. and fighting in the streets. What will the Army do if called in to fight armed civilians in the streets of the United States? How will that urban warfare be conducted? Will troops be able to fire upon other American citizens when the troops take an oath to protect American citizens?

He said many in the military are discussing the very real possibility that Obama will attempt to stay in office beyond two terms. It is being speculated that Obama will do this by declaring a state of martial law. The easiest way to declare martial law is when there is massive civil unrest and riots throughout the U.S. Thus, it is believed that Obama, and his regime, will intentionally create a situation of massive civil unrest. Some believe he has already started to implement that strategy by forcing Obamacare on everyone (when the populace did not ask for it and less than 300 people in
power voted for it). Perhaps the Obama Administration is not too concerned over the totally dysfunctional Obamacare website and the additional fact that millions will be dropped from their existing insurance policies which they already had and liked. The Obama Administration may not care if getting health care becomes more difficult and more expensive because it is all leading toward civil unrest. It is believed by some that Obamacare will only get worse and worse, and then
in 2 to 3 years when people have a very difficult time getting medical treatment for themselves or their loved ones, people will get enraged. Moreover, it is being speculated that around the same
time when the frustration levels over Obamacare are hitting a critical point in 2 to 3 years, there will be a “glitch” in the welfare payment (or EBT) payment system. The tens of millions who rely on EBT handouts to sustain themselves will be cut off. The overwhelming majority of the EBT recipients are Black. The Obama regime will then blame the “glitch” on the Republicans, i.e., Republicans froze government spending which “forced” Obama to suspension of EBT payments. (Obama will intentionally drive spending up and up uncontrolled knowing full well that one day the Republicans will be backed into a corner and finally vote for a freeze in spending.) Obama will create heightened racial tension by telling everyone that the White Republicans are racially motivated and did this to hurt the Black community. This manufactured racial tension, combined with growing tensions over the then-collapsing medical coverage due to Obamacare, will result in race wars and civil unrest. People will take to the streets. By the way, you should know that my colleague, the Army
Colonel who is telling me all this, is Black. He specifically commented, and outwardly expressed his
embarrassment, about how Blacks have become so dependent and enslaved by the welfare system and the Democrats that it would be very easy to create civil unrest and race wars merely by cutting off, or dramatically hindering, EBT payments for only a month or so. He believes that most Blacks, who have a misguided sense of entitlement, will then take to looting stores and rioting.
Once the race wars, civil unrest, and violence becomes pervasive throughout the U.S., Obama will declare martial law and take over. Elections can, and will, be postponed under martial law.

My colleague noted that this possibility is clearly being analyzed and discussed inside the military because such a martial law strategy is nothing new. Tyrannical and dictatorial leaders in the past have done the martial law strategy many times. He noted that dictators such as Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler did basically the identical thing. He went on to say that one of the most recent examples of this strategy was when Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines from 1972-1981 due to civil unrest. The Philippines had democratic elections up until that time. When martial law was declared, the Philippine constitution was suspended, its Congress dissolved, all elections were suspended, and
Marcos remained in power for years beyond his elected term. The alleged “terrorist bombings” that occurred in the Philippines, which lead to Marcos declaring martial law, have always been questioned and never proven to be the acts of actual terrorists. He concluded by saying that many believe this is the real reason behind the purgings of military generals.

The older members of the military, and especially its generals and leaders, tend to be more conservative and they believe in the Constitution—and following the Constitution. Thus, a tyrant and dictator needs to get rid of these military leaders before a state of martial law is declared if the rising dictator wants the military to follow along and do what the dictator says.

Due to the loss of many experienced military leaders the past few years, the military is now being run and guided more and more by younger, inexperienced leaders. The type who won’t really know what to do if martial law was declared. Moreover, he noted that there is a growing mindset throughout the military now that every soldier needs to keep quiet and just follow along with what Obama says and wants to do or you will be fired and your military career ruined. Again, I was told this is
nothing new since removing strong military leaders in advance of declaring martial law is a
historically-proven element of a rising tyrant and dictator.

 I was not taken aback after hearing all that from my friend as I also have the same feelings about our
President. However, we must in some way get word to our active and reserve military that we will not tolerate any armed action against the citizens of this country of which they are also and have sworn to defend our Constitution against all enemy's, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Surely they know enough in this case to realize the enemy will be the one declaring MARTIAL LAW!....