Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ex-Rep, 'Gopher' Leaves Radio Show After Pressure Over Islam Comments

Mr. Gandy it is unfortunate that we as Americans can't comment on the reality of what is happening in our country! However if you had commented on the Christian aspect of individuals such as Timothy Mcveigh you would probably have been given an award for broadcast excellence! This is what we have been fighting for the past two years and maybe longer. There are many Americans, much more than the PC crowd that stands behind you and behind Free Speech. I think all good Americans should Boycott WMAL and any other Broadcast entity that limits Free and Honest Speech and those who are intimidated by CAIR. Someone has to speak out on this issue. This crowd wants to stop the hearings that Rep King from New York wants to have on the radicalization of American Citizens! Do we want to stick our heads in the sand until we are like France, England and Germany! I think not~!
Please let us know where you land from this, and I can guarantee you will have an audience of Millions~!!!

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