Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama to Detail U.S. Energy Security Strategy

Let's see Stop Drilling our own Oil, stop depending on Foreign Oil-That equates to $8.00 a gallon for gas! This man is inept and has no clue. The other side of that to justify his goal, he wants to spend more of our money on New energy sources! WTF doesn't he get about Government is not the Solution it is the PROBLEM~!!! He is like a man at a Caravel who is in charge of the three card Monte or  the shell game! He has all of this rhetoric and all he wants to do is distract you so he can take your money~!!!
What a sad state we are in after only two years of this Progressive/Communist/Marxist POS~!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weiner Wants Obamacare Waiver for New York City

This man is a two faced-Hypocrite! However he will probably get his waiver, he has just got to kiss the right Weiner~!!!

Liberals: They Blinded Us With Science

This is interesting that the Liberals/Progressives are afraid of the truth when it goes against their agenda!
The common thread that The Progressive Movement and the Radical Islamist have is that you can Cheat, Lie, Steal, Manipulate the truth and in some cases Kill all in the name of your cause and one is blessed by ALI and the other by Cloward and Piven~!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Former Neo-Nazi Becomes Leftist After Sex Change

The bad news is once Monika Strub got her hormones stabilized she realized she was a Lesbian~!!!
Now that's funny, I don't care who you are~!!!

Nobel Committee Asked to Strip Obama of Peace Prize

Who cares this so called honor has become meaningless, with the prize given to the likes of Obama and Al Gore~!! If they were to strip it from both of these lying pieces of excrement then they would regain some credibility with me and my folks~!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

This is a Hoot~!!!

White Woman's Workout

Nancy Pelosi Hospitalized in Rome

I hope she gets a good taste of that nationalized health care! There is a God! One of the Doctors were over heard saying "I think I have figured out her problem-There is Crap coming out of both ends~!!!

Dem Strategist: Soaring Prices Will Sink Obama in 2012

I have no idea what this guy is talking about "public opinion battle over collective-bargaining rights in Wisconsin is in a stalemate but could break for Republicans". He needs to look at some different polls! If Scot Walker hadn't done what he did then it would have broken not only the Republican party but the bank~!
This is the kinda guy that tries to get you to believe that it is raining while he is Pissing down your leg~!!!

NPR Smears Michelle Malkin After Her Cousin Goes Missing

It doesn't bother me that NPR wants to make fun of Ms Malkin or whom ever they want! That is called free speech, however if I have to pay I dime for this political arm of the progressive movement then it is not all right and they should be De-Funded~!!! If your rhetoric is so funny then get some one to sponsor it and get off the Government teet~!!!

Bill Maher’s Ugly and Sexist Attack on Palin

This guy is despicable and absolutely has no class! I know he is a comedian and he is allowed some latitude but he still makes me want to puke~! At least he didn't go after her children~!!!

Nader: Obama Should be Impeached for 'War Crimes'

First of all Ralph you are still an Idiot and you have it wrong on both accounts! I agree that this POS-POTUS needs to be impeached, but for a whole different set of crimes! All you need to do Mr Nader is to gear up a Run for President with the Green party and run against this POS in 2012 and you will have fulfilled your purpose on this planet as far as we are concerned~!!!

Obama Marks Iranian Holiday

Although Mr President these things you speak of are tragic, how about all the Christians in Egypt and around the world that have been killed simply for their religious beliefs or the Jews that are still being persecuted and murdered! I just wish you were as passionate about other religions and maybe so many Americans wouldn't have the idea that you are a closet Muzlum~!!! Your actions speaks volumes~!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Columnist Under Investigation for Calling Muslims Who Murdered Family 'Savages'

How about Psychopathic, Christ hating, Women hating, Gay hating, Baby Killing, Devil loving monsters~!!! Now investigate that~!!!

SEIU Slapped with RICO Lawsuit

Fantastic! If the Justice Department won't do their job, then someone has to step up and grab the Bull by the horns and get all of these Mob backed communist to crawl back into the shadows and holes form where they came~!!!

Michael Moore Rips Obama Over Libya

Well you big bag of pus! Why don't you go back to Canada or move to Cuba or Venezuela~!! I quite frankly am tired of looking at you and hearing from you~!!!

Obama Praises Brazilian Oil Industry While He Stifles Oil Drilling at Home

Yes Mr Obama it is exactly what you want; redistribute our wealth to Brazil! We will have to buy our oil from third world countries! I hope Mr Soros and you Mr President are pleased with yourselves! I will promise you it will be short lived~!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wisconsin Democrat Nailed in Massage Parlor Sting

Well it's good to know the American People aren't the only ones the Democrats are screwing~!!!

Harry Reid: Death for the Tea Party

Harry, the Tea party isn't going anywhere! You make it sound like 20 million people are going to just vanish! Their hopes, expectations, morals and way of life have been here as long as you have been alive! I guess that would be over a hundred years! You are living in denial! You need to concentrate on who you are going to bribe to get your son out of his mess~!!!

Obama's Irish-American Relatives Not Exactly Thrilled

Just goes to show you everyone is Irish! Especially on St. Patrick's Day!
Question?: What is the difference between MLK day and St. Patrick's Day?
Answer:     On St. Patrick's day everyone wants to be Irish~!!!

Trump Says He Has Doubts About Obama's Birthplace

The man is no dummy and if he has questions like every smart person I know does then I have to agree with him! Very,Very Strange! If it comes out that Obama is illegitimate then he needs to be prosecuted and all of his enablers on conspiracy~!!!

Obama Family Hitting the Beach in Rio This Weekend

Yes the Obamas would rather got to the Beach and tan! Is that possible~???
Obama has been to the Beach so much you could say he is a son of a Beach~!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rev. Wright Back With Another Hate-Filled Rant

The Reverend is not a Preacher of the Gospel he is in fact a Black Marxist Theologian! He is the False Profit that the Bible warns us about. He takes the lords words out of context and to fool his followers. He takes the lords words to persuade his people to follow his political agenda, which by all accounts is the same agenda of Obama~!!! The truth will set you free~!!!

Obama Wants Teachers to Facebook-Creep Their Students

People Unions aren't the biggest problem facing our educators, our students and families! I believe it is the White House and this administration. This new over reaching law makes it possible for the school authorities to come and intervene in the raising of our children! They want the school officials to be liable and responsible for student activities out side the school, regardless of the School Officials foreknowledge of any detrimental situation that occurs! This Administration keeps pecking away at our civil rights and needs to be stopped! I guess that is the "Understatement of the Year".~!!!

Pass the Popcorn

I wonder what kind of movies that they watch at the White House? "The Band of Brothers"-About a group of Brothers from the hood that intimidate voter at poling places as they are directed by the Justice Department or A "Brother From Another Mother"-About a boy born in Africa and is smuggled to the US and becomes President~!!! Both would be based on a true story~!!!\

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

U.S. Futures Tumble as Japan Crisis Worsens

This plays into Obama's agenda! Let Rome burn and do nothing and when the time is right move in and take control and change things the way you want! Be the savior and blame it on everything and everybody else but your inaction! Obama you are not a leader you are an opportunist~!!!

NRA Refuses to Meet With Obama

Mr. Obama is posing gun reform rhetoric just as he did on adapting a new civil tone in the Media. We know how that worked out~! He has no more creditability with his base and for that matter any group~! He is irrelevant~!!!

Children Taught How to Chant Anti-Walker Slogans

Communist/Union indoctrination at it's finest! This what the Unions bring to the table when they control our educators~!! How Scary and Shameful~!!!

Team Obama Tells Supreme Court to Stay Away From Health Care Challenge

It is obvious that this administration has a Rope a Dope strategy in play! They need delay to either let the states destroy their Economy or Budgets or getting all these regulations so embedded in the states fabric it would be more costly to reverse than to implement-Thus destroying the states Economy or Budgets!
Certainly this administrations end game is not in the best interest of the People of the United States~!!!
I believe the SCOTUS will see the emergency and take it up-Thus flipping the finger to Mr.Obama~!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Obama Starts Pushing Gun Control

Mr President keep your Fucking nose out of our guns rights! If you say one thing you mean another! We don't believe you! You have confiscation in mind and your agenda hasn't changed! No! No! and He!! NO~!!!

MICHAEL GOODWIN: Why Does Obama Wish He Were President of China?

Well he would rather be the President of China~! The Chinese people are too smart for that! However if they would elect him then I think it would be a good fit! After 2012 he will be free to pursue this dream of his or sooner if he likes. I am sure the American people won't mind~!!! By the way take Joe with you~!!!

New Tools for the Obama Administration~!!!

A Strange Old Tool
Do you know what it is? 
Look below, read and learn.
This old tool has been
 in Washington D.C.
By the Obama Administration.
It will be part of the
New Health Care Program

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

NPR President Schiller Resigns

I can take one that long~!!!

I guess she will go back to Russia and get her old job back as a spy~!!!
Now she will go back underground and try to damage the USA!
The Board accepted her resignation and knew all of their Executives were commie sympathizers or out right communists all this time! They can do and show what they want on NPR and PBS as long as we don't have to pay for it, and now that the people know who they are, they will need the Government money to stay afloat~! Good riddens~!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

NAACP Faces Boycott for Honoring Kid Rock

This Group is the biggest bunch of Has Been's! They have in the early days done some good and they actually help win the fight for freedom of the Black Race~!!! What if the USA after freeing themselves from the tyranny of England kept on fighting "What a Stupid thing to do" That is what the NAACP is virtually doing, just keeping the race thing (racial War) alive! Why don't you get a real job and help get all your brethren off the Democratic/Progressive Plantation~!!! Instead you keep fighting for a cause that has already been won~!!!
Yet you would rather honor people like Reverend Wright and Louis Farrakhan (America Haters) maybe if Kid Rock had a Flag with a Muzlum Crescent; that would suite you better~!!!

At Wisconsin Capitol Jesse Jackson Compares Scott Walker to Racist Democrat George Wallace

Jesse needs to crawl back into the hole he has been hiding in these past months! No one wants to hear what you have to say! Jesse you have spent all you Racist Capital many moons ago! Just Go Away~!!!

'Legislative Fraud'

There has got to be a solution to this travesty, so it doesn't happen in the future! This is nothing but a play out of the Progressive play book of Dirty and Illegal tricks~!!! If the American Public and Congress lets these pieces of excrement get away with this we will deserve what we get~!!!

105 Billion Dollar ObamaCare Secret

This is Bull Shit~!!! All Americans need to see this~!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

NBC News and Sharpton Agree: Wisconsin Budget Is Racist

This is too funny! They are out to lunch! Yeah the Educational system in this country has worked so well for our children! Vouchers are the answer! The poor children get them too! What doesn't Sargent Schhultz and Alice Sharpton not understand about that! What about the inter city kids in DC that had brought  their test scores up and 98% were graduating! That seemed to work well, until Obama stopped the program!
The Progressives/Democrats want to keep their voters stupid and disenfranchised and want to scream racism every time actual concern citizens want to solve the problem! Lord help us when this strategy works and education improves, they will be out of a Job!!! I can't wait until that Day~!!!

Obama Labor Secretary Incites Wisconsin Unions

It is impossible to collective bargain when you are on both sides of the table! The Unions are the funding and Nazi arm of the Democratic party~!!!


Oh My God! People you need to read this~!!!

Sebelius Cracks! Admits the Obamacare Books Were Cooked

Yet another chink in the Armor of this Administration! Does this meet the threshold of High Crimes and Misdemeanors~??? When is someone going to Impeach not only the President but his Administration on Conspiracy and Fraud! If we had known this last year this Bill would not have seen the light of day. Actually it didn't see the light of day because it was forced through under the cover of darkness~!!!

Ex-Rep, 'Gopher' Leaves Radio Show After Pressure Over Islam Comments

Mr. Gandy it is unfortunate that we as Americans can't comment on the reality of what is happening in our country! However if you had commented on the Christian aspect of individuals such as Timothy Mcveigh you would probably have been given an award for broadcast excellence! This is what we have been fighting for the past two years and maybe longer. There are many Americans, much more than the PC crowd that stands behind you and behind Free Speech. I think all good Americans should Boycott WMAL and any other Broadcast entity that limits Free and Honest Speech and those who are intimidated by CAIR. Someone has to speak out on this issue. This crowd wants to stop the hearings that Rep King from New York wants to have on the radicalization of American Citizens! Do we want to stick our heads in the sand until we are like France, England and Germany! I think not~!
Please let us know where you land from this, and I can guarantee you will have an audience of Millions~!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

House Republican Utters Impeachment

I don't believe that Impeachment is out of reach! I believe Darryl Issa will provide the irrefutable evidence that will allow the Nation to have a moment of clarity on this issue! The question is does the Congress have the Stomach to go through all the charges of Racism~?? Only time will tell~!!!

Obama Says Tea Party is Racist in New Book

First of all Mr Obama the Tea Party agenda is about Small Government, Lower taxes, and Freedom. It is below even you to suggest that race is the driving force behind this movement! Again you jump to conclusions without all the information or you have all the pertinent information and ignore it!
I know you will say it was because America wasn't ready for a Black President and Racism is alive in America! Mr Obama, Racism is alive all around the world-Open your eyes! Your Administration is full of Racists! I suppose the Black Church Leaders that have condemned your decision to stop defending the federal law that bans recognition of gay marriage was racist. Is this because of your Political decision or is this Racism? You are half white you know! You can't have it both ways! Let's get this straight, the Tea Party will help defeat you in 2012, not because you're Black or Kenyan, But because you are a Marxist/Communist/Progressive, not to mention a Fraud, Lier and an Incompetent Fool~!!!