Tuesday, February 15, 2011

O’Reilly Shreds David Gregory for Birther Question

First of all if one looks at all the facts or the lack of true facts that he was born in the USA, one has to conclude that they are inconclusive and I (I can't believe I am saying this) actually agree with Chris Mathews on this! Why doesn't he produce a long form Birth Certificate and be done with it? Because he can't, it doesn't exist! He himself is perpetuating this issue and I am sure that if he could put this to rest once and for all he would, but he can't! One has to conclude that he has inadequate documentation or forged documentation! What would happen to most people if they could not produce proof of citizenship? They would have a big problem! Therefore you can't ask anyone if they are a citizen or inquire as to their immigration status~!!!

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