Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Men Slashed Teacher's Face 'For Teaching Other Religions to Muslim Girls'

Oh How the Islamic people are tolerant of other religions and human rights! If we keep this PC farce up then this will only get worse! If you move to America become American or leave~!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Myth vs. Facts of the Wisconsin Union Protests

Lie, Cheat and Steal what a great example the teachers are putting forth for the Kids. This is OK behavior if you are a communist/ progressive! You get to do what ever it takes to win and if every child doesn't get a trophy then it is OK for you to steal one~!!! Is this what we want our kids to be learning~!!!
What a great argument for Home Schooling~!!!

DNC Chairman: Wisconsin Governor Waging War on Public Workers

You talk of war and Violence! You the purveyor of tolerance~! You are the King Poppy Cock! You are afraid of loosing your funding base and your army you will need to execute the Coup d'état you are anticipating~!!! Well Skippie the American People are on to you and all of your affiliations, Communists, Marxists, Progressives. The American People are not as stupid as you hoped they were or as stupid as your teachers in your Unions have told you~!!!

Ed Schultz Is Scared of Debate, Hangs Up Immediately on Caller

 Ed sleeps with the fishes~!!!

He was right you over sized, Bloated Wind bag! You denigrated the so called hate mongers of the tea party! When you couldn't locate a good example you made one up! You are right Sargent Schultz you don't have to defend your self for your Communist/progressive agenda, in fact you need to be off the air! I don't know anyone who actually watches you except Skippie who lives in his mothers basement~!!!

Kathy Griffin Will Play Tea Party Candidate on 'Glee'

I hate this Bitch~!!!
I don't think I have ever seen a Tea Party woman that was that ugly! I don't think she will be able to sell it!
What? She was turned down for a role as a hooker is the Movie of the life and time of Charlie Sheen~!!!

Obama Defends Planned Parenthood, Calls Sting 'Manufactured'

This was staged and the Cambridge Police acted stupidly! Yeah Prove it~!!!
Every time a Progressive/Communist/Marxist/Democrat gets caught all they can say is "it all made up or it's a lie"! BS and Woo we~!!!

Obamas Go on Ski Trip Days After President Tells Americans to 'Put Off a Vacation'

This is the biggest hypocrite in world history~!!!

Pressure on Wisconsin Unions, Dems Grows as Walkout Drags on

The Unions have become infiltrated with Communists especially the leaders and are pushing an agenda to breakdown the American system as in Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals and using the middle class workers as their Political Pawns and the Obama Administration is directly involved! He is purposely interfering with the due process of a sovereign state and this should rise to the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors~!!!
These Union thugs are the Army that Obama said this country needs to be larger and better armed than the US Army~!!! You don't have to be a rocket Scientist to figure out what his end game is~!!!
America stand Up~!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

D.C. Mob Targets Boehner ... At His Home!

This is disgusting! You won't hear or see any Progressive/Communist/Democrat denounce this! We need to get in the street and show them what a Majority can do~!!!

Of Course, Jesse Jackson Descends on Wisconsin

Jesse you have already over came! we need to over come you! You have no credibility reverend! You need to drag your monkey ass over to the Miami of Ohio University to demonstrate against the Reverse-Discrimination that is happening there and maybe you will gain some credibility~!!!

American Allies Refuse to Accept Calls from Pres. Obama

Hell-o I think he Hung up~!!!
The past two years with Obama in office has done tremendous damage to our economy and tremendous damage to our standing in the world as the world power and we do not have a relationship with the countries that have shed their citizens Blood for the cause of freedom~!!! This is shameful~!!!
He is actually making Jimmy Carter look good~!!!

Obama Triggers Union Uprisings in Multiple States

Ah yes the divider and Chief~!!! He is facilitating civil unrest as is the DNC. We are not talking about permitted demonstrators we are talking Union Thugs! If this gets out of hand and someone gets Killed both the DNC and the President will be held responsible both Criminally and Civilly~!!!

Obama Birth Certificate Bill Tabled in Hawaii

Talk to the Hand~!!!

I am not surprised! You can't sell something if it doesn't exist! If they are talking about that short form the Dems put on the net. Everybody who wants one has one at no cost! The Birth certificate states that his father was African American. Which is strange, because back in the Sixties that word had not been invented yet! besides he would have been referred to as Negro or Black! How about a copy of his Kenyan Birth certificate that doesn't cost anything either~!!! If the Governor couldn't find Obamas BC then it does not exist~!!!

Justice Dept. Asks Judge to Clarify Health Care Ruling After Alaska Governor Refuses to Enact Law

Go ahead skippy have the Federal Government impose it's will on Alaska! The last time that happened Lincoln was president and it didn't work out so well! You Mr. President opened this can of worms, through bribes, backroom deals and quite frankly lying to the American People! You snubbed your nose at this same Federal Judge and now you want him to clarify his ruling! Obamacare is unconstitutional and the Federal Government should cease and desist until it is taken up by the SCOTUS! Which you Mr President (if you really are the President) will not expedite the case, so we all could have a quick resolution to this matter! No you want to implement this unwanted law so it will be too costly to stop it once it has its tentacles embedded in the fabric of this country! You Sir are surely a Communist that has infiltrated the Government of these United States~!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The O'Donnell Factor: A Hill Hack Goes Prime-Time Wacko!

These Progressives/Communist/Democrats are so considerate and understanding!  They keep trying to tell us lies and expect us to believe them because we are suppose to trust them. You know they have been so truthful to us in the past! Maybe some people will believe this garbage! But I for one have never trusted a communist like O'Donnell~!!!

Obama Tells Whopper About Small Businesses

It is official-the man in the White House is a total narcissist and totally out of touch with reality!
He now thinks all he has done in the last 2.5 years actually has helped Small Businesses! What a MORON~!!!

School: Brownie Is Racist Word

Citizen take note of this and be aware that this is what is coming our way if we stay on the path of the European Model! We won't be able to say Yellow Cake, Chocolate covered anything, Red tape, Black box(which is actually yellow) (it may be a half breed) or Blue berries! Yes Blueberries-Smurfs are people too~!!! LMAO!!!

Bachmann on Obama's Birthplace: 'That Isn't for Me to State'

I agree with Ms Bachmann, it is not for her to state it is however for the President to state and prove! However he can't and when the 20 or so states that are in the middle of passing the law that requires all Federal Election Candidates to prove citizenship he will not be able to run for President in those states unless he proves to the satisfaction of the election officials that he is in fact a "Natural Born Citizen" of the
United States~!!! Good Luck Mr. President~!!!

Obama Says China Has Better Infrastructure Than U.S., Compares Himself to Lincoln

Just because Lincoln initiated the end of Slavery doesn't mean he would approve of a Progressive/Socialist/Marxist in the White House: let alone one running the Country! Don't compare yourself to Lincoln, Regan or any other Republican. You are more in line with Mao, Stalin, Linen and Chavez~!!!

Obama’s $4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout of the Postal Service

No No No! Take the USPS and hire a private contracting Company to run it! Government has never ran anything correctly, properly or efficiently! I can grantee you that if they do this the USPS will show a profit within the first two years~!!!

Stuart Varney Vaporizes Labor Activist for WI 'Sick-Out' Protest

Get rid of all of these Unions. They were needed one time in the history of this country, however we have passed labor laws that protect most workers! The fact that these employees can't be fired is outrageous and the fact that these teachers closed the schools down and the teachers brought their students to this protest and used them as political tools is criminal! This shows us that these Unions do not care about the children. All they care about is Money and Power! Shut them down NOW~!!!

Union Hate Rally in Wisconsin: Protests Rife With Hitler, Gun Targets, Death Threats

All of you two faced, Progressive/Marxist/Democratic talking heads are so full of BS! Bill Maher, Robert Gibbs, Nasty Pelosi, Mike Tate, Eugene Robinson all of you lie for a living! Where are all of you on this outrageous  Hate mongering, Name calling, Violent Vitriol hate speech that you have condemned and have perpetuated the myth that this is the MO of the right! Why aren't you denouncing these acts of terror? Because you condone this kind of behavior when it is done in the name of the Socialist/Progressive movement and you and yours are cowards and empty suits and quite frankly have no souls~!!!

February 17, 2011 Unemployment Benefits Jump to 410,000

What can you expect when you propagandize the truth and the numbers. It is the law of averages, the truth will eventually catch up to you! NEWS FLASH: The Recession/Depression is not over! We have an Economic House built on Sand~!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Justin Bieber on American Health Care: 'You Guys Are Evil'

Spoken like a true uneducated, wet behind the ears Socialist! Now I know why you didn't win a Grammy!
Stay in Canada~!!!

Dallas County Commissioner Tells Citizens: 'All of You Are White! Go to Hell!'

We have been to He!! Commissioner and it is Every City controlled by a Democratic Government for the past 20 plus years~!!!

Markey Says Plans to Cut Public Broadcasting is an "Ideological Attack"

Big Bird is a communist and Bert and Ernie are no so masculine! This is about the Propaganda Arm of the Progressive/Marxist/democratic Party! You know it and  I know it so let's not pretend any more! Don't let the facts get in your way of demagogueing an issue that will start us on physical responsibility~!!!

Obama Slowing Down Shale Oil Development Out West

This Guy in the White House should be taken out of office! This will cripple an already weak economy! The Tree Huggers threat a law suite and the Cretin folds! When 26 States file and win a law suite and this peace of excrement ignores a Federal Judge! Does this not rise to High Crimes and misdemeanors ? What is happening to our country! Should we be planning to move to Canada or the Islands some where?
People we have got to stop this mad man~!!!

Egypt-Inspired Protests Spread to Libya

I am surprised that none of the pun-dents actually got it when this story broke two days ago when the Libyan Leader called for an up rising against the White races! This whole action by Gaddafi was a misdirection and ploy. He tried to unit the divided factions in his country. The most common denominator is the West! He saw an uprising coming! Gaddafi doesn't hate the west, in fact he embraces it as long as he can keep his power and control~!!!

Sen. Sessions Smacks Around Obama’s Budget Chief at Hearing

WOW! I guess the little guy from Alabama told him! I think he should have moved to impeach the witness and held him on perjury charges~!!!

Mark Levin Goes Nuclear Over Obama Destroying the Country

Mark this is nothing new with this guy! He has an agenda to destroy all of the infidels and their children who abused his grandfather and his African ancestors~!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Obama Proposes Increases in Spending for NPR and PBS

Not no But He!! no! Does anyone really believe that this guy actually listens to the American people! We need to stop all of this guys agenda! He is lier and a Marxist! NPR in the propaganda wing of the Progressive/Marxist/Democratic Party!
This quote should sum this situation up:
"There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him." --American writer Robert A. Heinlein

Barney Frank: I Can’t Negotiate With 'Mad Hatters and White Rabbits'

Just more Gobbledygook from the HEAD Gobbledygookster, moron and One of the main reasons we are in this financial mess right now! Only a communist like O'Donnell would give him Airtime~!!!

Trump: Obama's a 'Foolish Man'

Duh Donald! That train left about two years ago! Everyone that has actually been keeping up with Odumbo knows all about his Foolish, Arrogant, Self Serving, Lying, Cheating, Manipulating, American Hating, Union loving, Crack smoking, Church dodging, Muzlim loving, Idealistic, Demagogic ways!
Welcome to the fight~!!!

O’Reilly Shreds David Gregory for Birther Question

First of all if one looks at all the facts or the lack of true facts that he was born in the USA, one has to conclude that they are inconclusive and I (I can't believe I am saying this) actually agree with Chris Mathews on this! Why doesn't he produce a long form Birth Certificate and be done with it? Because he can't, it doesn't exist! He himself is perpetuating this issue and I am sure that if he could put this to rest once and for all he would, but he can't! One has to conclude that he has inadequate documentation or forged documentation! What would happen to most people if they could not produce proof of citizenship? They would have a big problem! Therefore you can't ask anyone if they are a citizen or inquire as to their immigration status~!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Op-Ed: Obama's Fake Christianity?

The fact of the matter this President has an inconsistent reasoning compilation. Why would anyone encourage the mixing of church and state when the progressive/leftists insist on taking God out of anything to do the Government.Obama wants to bond the state with religion in the middle east! This only adds fodder for those who have questioned his Christian allegiance! The Islamists can lie cheat and steal to fool the infidels!
I think Obama's Freudian Slip is showing~!!!

Birther Debate Alive Across U.S.

The left actually started this cluster! They insisted that McCain produce a birth Certificate because he was born in the Panama Canal on an Air base, which he did! Then Hillary hit Obama hard with it in the Primary! Now who the crazy one's~!!!

Gore’s North Pole Prediction -- Fox Nation Will Remember…

Yeah he predicted he was going to get a BJ from the masseuse in Colorado~!!!
How did that work out for you Big Al~???

Berkeley Invites Gitmo Detainees: 'The Kind of People You'd Like to Have Living Next Door to You or Dating Your Cousin'

Glory hol la lou ya! Problem solved. As a matter of fact let them all go and live in Berkly! In fact open an Al Qaeda recruiting center on campus I am sure the Berkley Bumbs would rather have an Al Qaeda recruiter that a US Army one! You guys deserve everything you are going to get~!!!

Obama's $3.7 Trillion Budget Includes Staggering Tax Hikes and Increases the Debt

Hey you! Yeah you in the White House! You had your chance to fix the failing infrastructure in this country with your Stimulus spending, unfortunately you chose to payoff your cronies and the Unions and friends of Obama! Now you expect your enemies to pay for it with bigger tax hikes and more spending that will run the deficit out of site! Well we will not and we will not cooperate with your leftist agenda~!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

'Mystique of America's Superpower Status Has Been Shattered'

We have let a minority gain control of the heart beat and reins of the political discourse of this country!
Multiculturalism, Political Correctness and the omission of God in our Government has brought us to this point in time! If we let Obama's policy's succeed we are doomed as a free nation and our Children and Grandchildren shall pay the price! Stop this Progressive agenda before it's too late~!!!

Parents Say Textbooks Give Islam a Makeover

I wonder if those text books teach anything about Christianity! People these are our kids and our country! We don't have to take this malarkey! Stand up and be counted-Stop this madness~!!!

Two Dems Get Into Fistfight at Steakhouse

It is good to see the Democratic Party practicing those passive actions, listening and being understanding! This was a fellow party member. Imagine if it was a tea party member! Of course if Hill had slammed a Tea Party member up against the wall that hard he would have gotten more than a jab to the head: For sure~!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Obama: 'The People of Egypt Are Calling for Change'

Yes Mr president they are three thousand miles away and you can hear them! However "We the People" have been calling for you to stop your change and you can't or won't hear us! This after a resounding defeat of your party in November! I have an Idea, why don't you move to Egypt and throw a little Hope and Change on the Egyptians and see how they like it. We would love it if your MONKEY ASS was out of here~!!!

Obama Rumors Throw 'View' Ladies Into Frenzy: 'It Doesn’t Matter If He’s a Muslim ... Grow Up!'

Actually it does matter if he is a Muslim or not! It proves that he has lied to the American Public!
If the American people had known he was a Muslim he would not have been elected, period~!!!

Arizona Declares War: Suing the Obama Administration

You go Governor Jan! This should get the attention of the White House, if not then she needs to sue the Rat Bastard himself personally~!!! I think this can be done on the grounds that the President issues Executive orders personally~!!!

Obama's Intel Chief: Muslim Brotherhood Non-Violent, 'Secular' Group

Clapper is naive if he really thinks what he is saying is true! He might as well move to Egypt because he is living in De-NILE! All you have to do is research the history of this group and it will show you what they are all about! Now let's just say we wanted to open a chapter of the KKK here in DC and claimed that we do not adhere to any of the principles of the founding Klan! Who would believe that was true! Certainly not the Lame Stream Media~!!!

Addict: Obama Wants to Spend $10 Billion on Wireless Internet

Believe me those who need Broadband have it! The private sector has made sure that the market desires are met! What this President is trying to put past us is free wireless internet for the people that can't or won't afford it! Guess who will wind up paying the Bill from here to eternity~!!!

PC Air Hires All Transsexual Flight Attendants

I guess you have to have a set of Balls to work at this Airlines: Would this be considered discrimination~!!!

Report: Saudis Warned Obama Not to 'Humiliate' Mubarak

Of course our Commander and Chef will obey the one he bows to: I wish King Adule would tell him to stop destroying jobs in this country~!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

BREAKING: House Republicans in Revolt

You go TEA PARTY! This is why you are there! You are our voice and you alone will set the agenda and the Bench Mark! Of this I am proud and I will do what ever I can do to help! One way is to not forget or let my people forget in 2012! We are watching and today we are proud~!!!

Man Faces Charges After His Dog Kills Raccoon

This is an OMG and WTF moment! Are we all living in an alternate Universe where animals don't kill other animals? What if the Raccoon had killed the Dog ? Would you charge the owner of the Raccoon!
HEADLINE: "Mother nature was charged today with a misdemeanor in connection with the death of a domesticated Animal! God is pissed! Does this DA have nothing better to do than clog the courts up and spend tax payer money on this trivial BS! What state is Jackson County in the State of confusion or maybe
an Altered State! People we have got to stop this crap! We have bigger problems! Give the dog a metal and impeach or fire the DA! End of story~!!!