Tuesday, April 24, 2012

'Now thats Justice for Trayvon' Mob Beats Man to Bloody Pulp

 Thanks NBC News, President Obama and all of those Race Baiting Bastards that have some culpability in this and many other Situations~!!! President Obama made a speech the other day saying "The Seeds of Hate and Division should not be allowed to take Root"~Nice Rhetoric for our Farmer in Chief that has a John Deere Tractor plowing the fields of Racial Preference for a political purpose~! Shame on all of those who have thrown away 60 years of Racial progress in this country!~!!! You are the Racist and you are the New Ku Klux Klan~!!!
To all you Myrmidons that have drank the Kool Aide of this so called Progressive (Communist) Movement~!!!
Shame on you and a Pox on your houses~!!!

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