Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friend Says Hawaii Gov Told Him There Is No Obama Birth Certificate: Daily Caller

Here is one possible scenario: BO's Mother was 8.7 months pregnant. She was not allowed to fly out of Kenya because of her condition. She had BO in Kenya and immediately flew to Hawaii in fear her son would not be a naturalized US citizen. When she reached Hawaii she sought out friends to help. They put an ad in the papers announcing the Birth and got a friendly Doctor to note the Birth. The Doctor knowing that he could not forge a BC made a general note trying to help! Now if this Scenario is true then all the Bills the Guy in the WH has signed should be Null and Void and he should be arrest for coercion and fraud! There is also the question of his adoption in Indonesia and his duel citizenship!
Mr Isa to the Front desk Please~!!!

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