Monday, July 5, 2010

Commentary: The process.

This whole process of making laws and passing them is the key indicator of the conscience and shows the mentality of the American Public. How could intelligent individuals vote for representatives that would spout remarks like Schumer N.Y.-The public doesn’t want to know about the details, Pelosi-We have to pass the Health Care bill so we can determine was is in it, Conyers Detroit-How can anyone expect me to read the bill it is 2000 pages long. These are just a few of the statements by our elected officials. Let's not forget Stark from California-Diminishing his own constituents. We get what we vote for. If we “The American Voting Public” Allow these people to get away with this then we deserve what we get. Vote these Bastards out and continue to watch and read all you can and every election cycle vote those out that do not comply with the direction this country needs to be moving in.

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