Monday, January 31, 2011

Judge Rules Health Care Law Is Unconstitutional

Glory Ha La Lu Ya! This is what they get for pushing this in the dark of night, without discussion or input from the Republicans. We do need HC reform but reform that makes sense! Well let's hope that the Supreme Court Concludes the same~!!!

Republicans Embrace Obama's High-Speed Rail Initiative

These two Rinos should be on the list to go! (Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.),Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.)) High speed rail great! What about "NO MORE SPENDING"! You in the Congress should not make any deals with the Devil!
If you do; you can bet "'We the People" will remember! You are there to shut this President Down. Stop this Socialist Agenda in it's tracks and if you don't we will put someone in there that will! We don't care how many Elections it takes! "We the People" aren't going anywhere but you might~!!!

As Egypt Burns...Obama Parties

Look all of these progressives would like to see a Communist/Socialist party emerge in Egypt: I wouldn't put it past this Administration to have planted the seeds of discontent that facilitated this uprising~!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Academy Awards Snub 'Waiting for Superman'

If Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim had made a film debasing and criticizing how George Bush had screwed up the economy two after his departure from the White House and he called it waiting on Stupid Man, it would have been an Academy hit for sure! However no one would have paid to see it, except for the left Wing Nuts!
Hollywood has never been for "We the People". I think McCarthy may have been on to something~!!!

EPA Starts Regulating Spilled Milk

We do not need all this Bureaucratic bourgeoisie  BS! Stop the madness~!!!

Jim Moran Tells Arabs: Racism Fueled Democrats' Midterm Losses Read more:

The Tea Party needs to go after this guy and get him out of office. In the meantime we will call him Congressman Moron~!!!

OMG…MSNBC Host Who Called Beck a Nazi Attacks Beck for Nazi Rhetoric

I will make a prediction about this Mohambone on MSNBC. His career on this network has the life expectancy of a head of lettuce!

Hawaii Democrats Propose Charging Fee to View Obama Birth Certificate

What Birth Certificate would that be? That piece of crap they have had on the internet. The only Birth Certificate I am interested in seeing would be the Long Form that shows the Hospital, Doctor and Witnesses! If they have it (which I don't think they do) they should have done this a year ago and saved millions of dollars in legal fees~!!!

Politicians Demand Apology From Limbaugh for Chinese Imitation

This whole situation sounds like a He said Yee said~!!! LOL

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birth Certificate Story Takes Another Strange Twist…

This is typical of this administration! Stifle the truth and cover it up! How are those death threats working out for you Mr. Evans? I swear we need Congress to look into this and find out what this IS all about! Even if one was looking from the outside of Politics and had no agenda this would seem to be some damning turn of events! You have BO Grandmother saying she was there in Kenya when he was born? Is she a liar?
BO has spent millions of dollars keeping this hush hush in the courts and now you have a guy retract a statement that everyone that has been paying attention knows was true when he first said it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friend Says Hawaii Gov Told Him There Is No Obama Birth Certificate: Daily Caller

Here is one possible scenario: BO's Mother was 8.7 months pregnant. She was not allowed to fly out of Kenya because of her condition. She had BO in Kenya and immediately flew to Hawaii in fear her son would not be a naturalized US citizen. When she reached Hawaii she sought out friends to help. They put an ad in the papers announcing the Birth and got a friendly Doctor to note the Birth. The Doctor knowing that he could not forge a BC made a general note trying to help! Now if this Scenario is true then all the Bills the Guy in the WH has signed should be Null and Void and he should be arrest for coercion and fraud! There is also the question of his adoption in Indonesia and his duel citizenship!
Mr Isa to the Front desk Please~!!!

State of Pelosi's Union: Pres. Obama Was a 'Job Creator' from 'Day One'

What jobs did this Marxist create"Government Jobs" "Union Jobs".  Any Asshole can spend the Tax Payers money and put people to work. These jobs that have been created does nothing but put a drag on any recovery! Nasty Pelosi is a Talking Head and has no creditability~!!!

Obama Hammered By AP Fact Check

This guy is an ideologue and will not change. He is half Carnival act and half Magician. Listen to what I say 'You are getting Sleepy" Look see it disappeared! Quite frankly I don't believe a word of it and I am fed up with this Marxist/Communist. If the American People can't see this then we are doomed!
Yet he wants the Republicans to cooperate with him! What! make a deal with the devil! NO THANKS~!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Giffords’ 'Sacred Time' Desecrated by Media Lies, Says Bachmann

This is in response to: azlib

Hey Skippy, I like that "The Tea Party movement is going to cost the Republicans in the long run" bit. Looks like they did pretty well last November and guess what? They aren't going away they are getting stronger and if the Republicans party is worried it is because they had better hold the Conservative line or they will be out next! You thumb sucking, bed wetting Progressives forget there are three times as many of us as there are of you and when we start playing Cowboys and Communists there will be even less of you~!!!

State of the Union Live Chat Tonight

Don't worry the Oceans will fall, the skies will open up and the birds will sing~!!! That is why it is called the State of the Unicorn Speech! You know I won't be watching it or listening to it, I have better things to do; like cleaning my toilet. It is about the same, they both are CRAP~!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Beauty of Mathematics

Krugman: 1990s Economic Boom 'Had Nothing Much to Do With Bill Clinton'

Krugman apparently has got on the right Meds! However tomorrow may be a different reality!
The trouble with Progressives you can play this back to Krugman tomorrow and he will deni he said it~!!!

Liberals Blame Philly Baby Massacre on Stingy Taxpayers

The So called Doctor was a Monster and a Baby KxIxLxLxExR, that's who's fault it is! If you want to pass some of the blame around, try the Liberal/Progressives agenda of Poor Education. Welfare state, Dumbing down the poor and destroying the Family! Yeah! you Progressives could give a rats behind about the innocent babies you are just up set he finally got caught~!!!

House Republicans Look to Slash U.N. Funding

Now this is a budget CUT I can get behind! Just make these international dweebs pay all the fines they owe NYC and they could probably balance their budget~!! Next step ship the UN to North Korea~!!!

Taxpayers Billed $160M to Defend Fannie and Freddie

This is like a guy robbing you and the Court reaches into your pocket to pay his Lawyers! We need to make a law that no Lawyers can run or hold for public office~!!!

Obama Calling for Another Stimulus at SOTU

This man is utterly Clueless! Has he not been listening, has he not been paying attention! It almost leaves me speechless when I read about fecal matter like this! What can I say that hasn't already been said~!
Lord Help US~!!!

McCain: Obama’s “Doing a Lot of the Right Things” Read more:

It is hard for me to believe this Rinos (McCcain) Motives. Yes Obama is doing all the right things, he is convincing a lot of you that he is now a centrist! Glory Ha La Lu Ya!!! Obama is a Marxist/Socialist and will always be! If you want to follow this Pied Piper off a cliff, that is your choice! I will stay here and fight for what I know is our GOD given Freedoms and Rights~!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Unions See Sharp Membership Declines Again

This bit of news may help ease the economic payouts for Pensions and Medical. Even with an Obamacare exemption they can't hold their ranks. Good riddance to Unions and say hello to Right to Work States~!!!

Watch | Politizoid's "Greatest Moments in Liberal History" | RIGHTNETWORK

Watch | Politizoid's "Greatest Moments in Liberal History" | RIGHTNETWORK

Bill Maher Rages Over Olbermann’s Exit: “F**k Them if They Don’t Get a Joke”

OK Bill we know that little ditty that you made was a desperate knee jerk reaction to one the lefts attack Dog being put down and in fact you and Rachel Madcow are scared SxHxIxT less of who is next! The Main Stream Media is changing through acquisition and merger because no one watches you any more!
They should put you, Madcow. Sargent Schultz, Mallory, Sharpton, Lawarence O'Donnald and the rest of you Progressive Hack Attack Dogs on the farm, via the Daily Kost for those few who want to Drink your Kool-Aide, and listen to your Vile Vitriol Hate spewing Voices~!!!

AP: Hawaii Governor Suddenly Drops Obama Birth Certificate Quest

This is amazing to me; This doesn't go away! If the POS POTUS would release all of his documents like every other President has, all this would go away or Obama would be Impeached!
Soooooo!  now you know the rest of the Story~!!!

Liberal Radio Host Mocks Wisconsin GOP Lt. Gov. For Having Cancer…

The Progressives are looking for some sacrificial lambs when it relates to the Fairness Doctrine!
They want the Left Talk show hosts to say the most outrageous things to the Right so they will want to pull their show and thus allowing the progressives to sniffle free speech~! I say let them spew their vitriol hate speech and all we have to do is not tune in~!!!
i.e. Air America~!!!

Why is Chris Matthews Displaying A Target and Crosshairs on the U.S. Capitol?

This doesn't surprise me! They treat the Public especially their audience like idiots! They will do anything to keep  their name in the news. Why would I even watch this clown? If it weren't for the Hypocritical Stupid crap he pulls he would have no relevancy in regards to real news! Now that Keith Ovalteen has departed, let's put the target on Matthews~!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Krugman Erupts in Rage Over Hatred

Is there nothing scared with these Left Wing Nuts. These guys are trying to make a living recycling junk!
This should be a good example of how  unhinged the Left is becoming! Stay tuned they will even get worse when the Conservatives and Republicans take back the Senate and the White House! Man your battle stations~!!! (Can I say Battle???)


You know I heard all the rhetoric after the Tucson tragedy. It is horrendous and I will not diminish the tragedy and the pain the families felt and are still feeling! However the Fort Hood tragedy is just as horrific and yet the left didn't choose to spew their vitriol hate at the right.Instead they chose to be sensible and wanted everyone to "Not Jump To Conclusions". On the Tucson tragic event they were the ones that jumped the Gun and will pay the price politically. The People of America see what is going on and the new age of information will not allow even the demist of light bulbs to forget these events and what has happened in their aftermath and the parties that have played upon the misery and suffering of the victims and their families. 2012 is not that far away~!!!

Olbermann Announces Departure from MSNBC

This will end some of the Hate Speech on the Left! However we need to continue to not watch MSNBC and even COMCAST until they get rid of Sargent (ED) Shultz and Rachel Madcow~!!!

Hawaii Won't Release Obama's Birth Info

Again: here we have more fuel to the fire! OK! so the Governor knew Obamas Parents. Was he there at the birth in Hawaii? The lack of closure of this matter will ignite the debate all over again! So to stop all this speculation, why doesn't The President give his permission to release the documents that proves he was born in Hawaii? What is he hiding???

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mitt Romney Keeps Away from Tea Party

Well Mitt, I used to like what you stood for, but since we found out about your Government Health Care fiasco In Mass, this Blogger has determined that you sir are nothing more than a RINO! I didn't like voting for McCain, but I did! I won't the same mistake twice! I was only lukewarm about Sara, however since the left have been beating up on her for no reason, it tells me they are deathly afraid of something about her, So I like her and at this point I will vote for her~!!!

Demented art

"As a child, Guo Haiping witnessed his disturbed brother Guo Enping being dispatched to a mental hospital after reading The Selected Works of Mao Zedong nonstop for three days and three nights".

The above statement is taken from the Global Times a Chinese Government Paper. The article states that the person in question was submitted to a Mental institution after this reading~!!! This is truly a sign what communisium will do to a normal person. It also explains the actions of those Progressives/Communists in the Democratic Party. Reading of Mao for 72 hrs straight can be a cause and affect of these Radicals in Washington! OK all you Progressives get your little Red Books and start reading, read for 72 hrs, jump down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton-poof; Your in Wonderland (Utopia)~!!!
This really explains a lot~!!!

Hawaii Governor Claims Record of Obama's Birth 'Exists in Archives' But Can't Produce the Vital Document

This guy can't find the vital document and just a notation exists. Who made the notation? What did the notation say? If you remember the last Governor signed an affidavit stating, they had seen the official long form Birth certificate! Well it is obvious that someone has lied somewhere~!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bachmann: Obamacare Is ‘Crown Jewel of Socialism’

Yeah this is so much more crazier than Anthony Weiners raving about playing a drinking game and taking a shot every time a Republican tells a lie, you had better get a designated driver~!!! Cracker Please~!!!

Greenpeace Founder Questions Manmade Global Warming

This was very interesting and something everyone needs to watch! It's almost like a gotcha! Yes the Co-Founder of Green Peace determines their is no proof that mankind has directly contributed to Global Warming and it is a natural Phenomena~!!! 

Weiner Gets Nutty: 'Take a Shot Every Time a Republican Lies'

Tony Weiner is just that "A Weiner". This is the Guy who wanted to interfere with Becks Sponsors that advertise Gold. Of all the Companies that sell Gold he went after only the ones that sponsor Beck. Well Gold has gone up 30% since "Weiner head" started his assault! It's hard to defend constituents that are making money hand over fists~!!!

Feminists 'Horrified' by New Kanye West Video

This is some sick Shit~!!! Where is NOW! NAACP, Al, Jesse, Louis! This is the problem with this culture! They have no respect for Women or themselves and much less for family~!!!

Union Agitators Overwhelm Security and Barge into Banking Meeting

Are you sure this isn't Europe? It can't be the US, our unions are so organized and thoughtful. This is nothing but Acorn on Steroids and Mob rule! This is what our President and the Progressives want! Heaven forbid if any American should have a GxUxN and confront them when they get out of control and start trampling and hurting innocent individuals~!!!

Washington Goes Gaga Over Michelle Obama's Dress

The Dress was Beautiful and the Chinese liked it not because of the colors that reminded them of their Flag, but because Michele Obama's rear end was as big as their Country. Dictator Hu could see Beijing from where he was sitting~!!!

House Votes to Repeal Health Care Law, Can Senate Follow?

I must say I am proud of the work these Republicans have done on this particular Bill. That doesn't mean we don't need to pay attention to what they are doing any more! It is a good start and we need to encourage them to keep up the fight (Can I say the word Fight anymore?) of course I can!!
It is a good start~!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Harry Reid Calls China's Hu a 'Dictator’

Well the Saints be Damned I have found something that Dirty Harry and I can agree on! This Hung Chow wanna be President is nothing but a Glorified Communist Dictator~!!!

New Tone? Democrat Compares Republicans to Nazis

The Democrats/Progressives/Communist are so good at switch and bate and illusions. You blame your opponent and charge them with the things you yourself are actually doing and hope people haven't been paying attention. Well this American has been paying attention and is awake! We don't believe a word you say! Mr.Sleaze-Meister~!!!

Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Charged With 8 Counts of Murder

There is a special place in He!! for this guy! What they do to him here is nothing compared to his future~!!!

Republic Watch Dog: Meltdown: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell goes into att...

Republic Watch Dog: Meltdown: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell goes into att...

This Lawrence O’Donnell is a self admitted Communist! Can you guess what is Agenda is~???

Meltdown: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell goes into attack mode with Arizona ...

Team Obama Intimidating Companies into Unionizing

Mr. Isa needs to jump on this and the fact that the White House did intimidate a bond holder in the GM fiasco to drop out of the law suit against the Government or they would "Use the full force and resources of the White House to ruin his reputation". This is damning stuff and should be investigated~!!!

Joy Behar Angry at Miss America Pageant

Joy is like every other Progressive/Liberal woman, she is just pissed off about her not being good looking! Have you noticed that the only Woman worth looking at on this show is the Conservative one! Those Libs are so jealous~!!!

Saudi King Showers Obama Family with Pricey Jewels

This should be considered payola! The Obamas should sell these gifts and pay the American People back for their Lavish Vacations, Period~!!!

New Liberal Civility: 'I Wish I Could' Choke Rush to Death

Here is the Plan Folks: The Progressives chooses a Sacrificial Lamb! "Mike Malloy" he goes off the deep end with vitriol hate speech. He will appall everyone on the Left! For the sake of being fair the Progressives will stop his talk show and get him off the air. Thus opening the door for the Fairness Doctrine to resurface. Just watch the Progressive Senators will come out and denounce this left Wingnut only to accomplish their End Game~!!!

CNN Apologizes for Saying 'Crosshairs'

Yes! Mr. King you and CNN and the Progressives are trying to get everyone to get away from free speech! You will find that most Americans are not bothered by that type language! It is just you libatards that are afraid you will incite one of your loons on the Fringe Left~!!!

Sheila Jackson Lee, D, Says Repealing Obamacare Is Unconstitutional

So now MS Shelia ( I am dumber than a sack of potatoes) Lee,is concerned about due process. It was the circumvention of due process and the Constitution that allowed this piece of Garbage to be passed in the first place. She is now somehow an expert on the Constitution. Maybe we should appoint her to the Supreme Court, she would have to be better than the last one Obama appointed~!!!

Christie Lays the Smackdown on Schumer, Tells Senator to 'Mind His Manners'

Yes! This is definitely a workshop video on how to TAKE IT  to the Democrats without getting nasty. This man is a Class Act~!!!

George Washington Concealed

Yes and we all believe the NAACP's reasoning of why they had to conceal Washington's Statue! The NAACP would never represent Dishonesty! If MLK could see this racist, demagoguing communist/progressive and repressive not to mention divisive Organization he would Roll Over in his Grave~!!!

Obama’s Backdoor Land Grab Sends Shockwaves Across the West

This is another "law by Presidential Fiat" It is circumventing the legal process! All of this is an example of what the Health care Bill will give to our Government. Yes, those of you that don't know what I am talking about is the fact of the matter that this Obama-care is one big chink in the Armor of our Constitution. This land grab will be nothing if the Obama-care bill is fully enacted~!!!